Here you will find all of the policies and procedures you need to be aware of as part of the Run Talk Run community, as well as some supporting documents and useful information.

Two formats are available- a flipbook format to read at your own pace, or an accessible format including audio to listen along to.

RUN TALK RUN POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Flipbook Format Accessible Format (with Audio)
Accident and Incident Procedure

Health and Safety Policy

Data Protection Policy

Lone Working Policy

Confidentiality Policy

Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedure

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy

Code of Conduct

Whistleblowing Policy

Media Policy

Lone Working Policy

Participation Waiver
Guidance for working 1-to-1
Accident and Incident Form
Risk Assessment Template 2024
Safeguarding Flow Chart 

Please read through these and make sure you are familiar with them. If you have any questions, please contact Shaun on [email protected]