#BackInTheGame Sport in Mind's #BackInTheGame campaign is an initiative to get employers thinking about their employees' mental well-being whether they are returning to their usual workplace or continuing to work remotely following the Covid-19 pandemic. With Covid-19 and lockdown having such a huge impact on our nation's mental health, Sport in Mind wants to help companies support their staff transition into a new way of work in a manner that promotes good mental health. Below are links to our FREE Employer's Checklist to support companies, an Employee's Guide and Sport in Mind's mental health and physical activity document, presenting the benefits of being active on mental health for employees. Employer's Checklist Employee's Guide Mental Health Benefits of Physical Health If you find these resources useful, please spread the message to your colleagues and share our #BackintheGame campaign on Linkedin and socials @sportinmind to help us raise awareness Manage Cookie Preferences