Study title: Evaluation of the Scaling What Works Program

Principal Investigator: Dr Anna Williamson

By signing up to take part in Sport in Mind's Movember funded sport and physical activity programme and agreeing to take part in research through our participant sign up form, you are consenting to take part in this evaluation study. If you don’t wish to take part in the evaluation study please inform the session lead or your local Sport in Mind contact. Please see further details of the project below:


You are invited to take part in an evaluation study of the Scaling What Works (SWW) Program. This is because you have/will be participating in one of the 16 programs for boys and men being funded by the SWW Program. The evaluation aims to understand what works for delivering and scaling wellbeing programs for boys and men, and how the programs can be improved. Scaling, in this case, refers to expanding successful programs to reach and benefit more people.  

This participant information sheet and consent form tells you about the evaluation. It explains the purpose of the evaluation, procedures and risks involved. It also describes what information will be collected, how that information will be used and with whom it will be shared. Knowing what is involved will help you decide if you want to take part in the evaluation. Please read this information carefully. Ask questions about anything that you don’t understand or want to know more about. Before deciding whether or not to take part, you might want to talk about it with a relative or friend. Participation in this evaluation is voluntary. If you don’t wish to take part, you don’t have to. You can continue to participate in the program whether or not you take part in the evaluation. Please contact the program team should you prefer a paper copy of the information sheet and consent form.

If you decide you want to take part in the evaluation, you will be asked to sign the consent form. By signing it you are telling us that you:

        - understand what you have read

        - consent to take part in the evaluation

        - consent to use of the information you provide about yourself through completing two brief surveys and information about program attendance as described.

        - you are aged 18 years or over.

- You will be able to save a dated electronic version of this participant information sheet and consent form with your printed name to keep.


Purpose of the evaluation study:

The aim of this evaluation is to understand what type of programs work for improving the wellbeing of boys and men, what the best ways of delivering them are and what kinds of things help programs continue to work well when they are run in more areas or with different groups of people. You are invited to take part in this evaluation because you have had/will have access to one of the 16 funded programs.

If you agree to participate in the evaluation, you will be asked to complete a short survey at the start of the program and another one when you stop attending the program (or after three months). The entire evaluation will go for quite a lot longer than you are involved in it (around 25 months in total).

A total of 15,807 program participants are expected to be recruited across all the 16 programs - so you're not alone!

Source of funding:

The evaluation study is funded by Movember.

Study procedures:

As part of this evaluation, with your consent, the evaluation team will access the basic demographic data (age and gender) and participation data (e.g., number of sessions attended), collected by the program team as part of their usual program delivery procedure. Your name will not be linked to this information. You will also be asked to complete a short survey twice: (1) within 3 weeks of starting to participate in the program and, (2) when you stop attending the program (or three months after starting for long programs).

Each survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.

Possible risks to participants:

Participants in this evaluation may find it inconvenient to fill out two short surveys. The surveys will ask you a bit about your wellbeing so that we can learn more about the program. We do not anticipate that the survey questions will be upsetting. However, if you do feel distressed completing a survey, please stop filling in the survey (you can return to it later if you wish). If you would like to talk to someone about how you are feeling, you may wish to either contact your program team or call Samaritans (Hotline number: 116 123).

Your name will not be linked to your survey responses and all information will be kept confidential. To make sure your data is kept private, it will be de-identified and stored on a password protected data system. This system can only be accessed by the evaluation team.

Voluntary participation/right to refuse or withdraw:

You do not have to be involved in this evaluation. If you do not participate, it will not affect your ability to participate in the program. If you decide to participate in the evaluation and later feel that you do not want to be part of it, you can stop being involved at any time and this will not affect your current or future access to the program.

Privacy and Confidentiality:

Your records relating to this evaluation and any other information collected as part of the evaluation (e.g., the surveys you complete) will be kept strictly confidential. Any results reported from this evaluation will be reported as a summary of all the data collected for the project. Names will not be connected to individual responses and no individual data will be reported. In this way, your privacy will be protected in any reviews and reports of this evaluation which may be published.

Storage of data:

All hard copies of consent forms and surveys will be kept in a locked file cabinet at the program site. Electronic data will be de-identified and stored in a password protected data system. Only the evaluation team and Movember will have access to these files. Data collected will be stored by the Centre for Evidence and Implementation (the evaluators) in a secure, password protected data centre located in Australia. Data protection agreements are in place to ensure that all data used in this evaluation meets the regulations of the United Kingdom and Australia (where the study is conducted).

All information will be kept for seven (7) years. After seven (7) years, electronic files will be deleted and hard copies shredded. If you decide to withdraw from the study, your data will be deleted if it can be identified. This will be done within five (5) business days of receiving the request.

Results of the evaluation study:

Findings from the evaluation will be published in reports shared with Movember and the teams running the programs being evaluated. You may request to be informed about the findings of the evaluation study from CEI or the program team.

Advice and information:
If you have any further questions regarding this study, please do not hesitate to contact:


1.       Dr Anna Williamson
Director, Centre for Evidence and Implementation

[email protected]

2.       Miss Chloe Ang
Research Assistant, Centre for Evidence and Implementation
[email protected]

The Bellberry Human Research Ethics Committee has reviewed and approved this study in accordance with the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2007) – incorporating all updates. This Statement has been developed to protect the interests of people who agree to participate in human research studies. Should you wish to discuss the study or view a copy of the Complaint procedure with someone not directly involved, particularly in relation to matters concerning policies, information or complaints about the conduct of the study or your rights as a participant, you may contact the Operations Manager, Bellberry Limited on 08 8361 3222.

You may wish to view the Data Privacy Notice here:


Printable version of this Program Participant Information Sheet available by clicking here